Never Let Anyone Mow Your Grass

Never Let Anyone Mow Your Grass

While I am sharing this with you this post is for my son who has had a challenging week. You gave this knowledge to me Bryer, Remember it for yourself. I love you. Mom It was a beautiful Summer day and Bryer and I were on our way to work. He always went with me in the...

For the Love of Chester

For the Love of Chester  I Loved Mrs.Bean. In the hairdressing world she was a weekly Shampoo and Set. She was always full of fun, smiles and wisdom. Every Friday night she would come to the salon and I would roller set her hair and put her under the dryer and she...
A Not So Silent Night

A Not So Silent Night

A Not So Silent Night Jim had to go to work so we missed the opportunity to see Carols in the Park at Berry College. Every Year I would mark it on the calendar and every year when it rolled around there was a conflict. Except the year Jim was off from work with an...

The 1 Reason I Just Say No To Black Friday!

The 1 Reason I Just Say No To Black Friday! Don’t Bah Humbug Me! I love this season, the season of thankfulness and hope and giving! I think the first Commercial for Christmas I saw this year came from one of the “Marts” and it was in September.  A...

How to Move Mountains

  How To Move Mountains In Mark Chapter 11 verse 23 ” For Verily verily I say unto you Whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thy removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but believe those things he saith shall come to pass...