Enjoy Abundance, Empty Your Box

Enjoy Abundance Now, Empty Your Box. Why am I here? That is simple, To Empty My Box. To Enjoy Abundance Now, There once was a good and kind Gentleman who lived a long and fair life and then passed away and ascended to the glory of heaven. Upon arrival he was greeted...

Supernatural You

Supernatural You! with Shonta Rogers Is it possible to create a supernatural power from positive thoughts and affirmations?   When we think of “the lucky one” we know it is rarely ourselves that we are thinking of, usually it is a friend or colleague who always...

Sweet Or Stinging?

Sweet Or Stinging? How Do your words taste?  The extreme importance of our words can be found in Mathew 12:36 We are told that we will give account on the day of judgment for every careless word we have spoken. Let’s think about that for just a moment. What...

Hung by the Tongue

 Are you Hung by the Tongue? Do you use your words to set yourself free or do you entrap yourself? Words are defined as transmission of thought.  Are you thinking the World is Crashing Down on Me or are you walking in “SonLight” ?  Where do we seek the...

4 Simple Keys to Unlocking Your Treasure

There are four simple keys to unlocking your treasure but first what are the treasures of your heart. How can thoughts and words bring forth our desires. First we need to ensure that you have clearly defined your goals. You need to be very specific in your desires and...